HELM Fancy 851

Date of Birth:
Beautiful Dark Parker Brown heifer out of "Helm Dixie Chic" (84" ttt + ) "Dixie Chic" is a low lateral twisty horn "Chisholm 4" Daughter who has produced so well for us. When you look at these pedigrees there is a underlying foundation that support these great producing females. Here "Dixie Chic" goes back to the "Jaynie 698" / 698 Jaynie / Doherty 698" - Joe Valeintine and Bill Hudson has some Phenomenal Females from this line and many greats proceed form "Doherty 698" alone. This Girl will have a Huge Twisty horn rack at maturity - "Twisty Horns" will try your patience but one day you look in amazement and just say "WOW" where did that come from and it was there buried in the Pedigree all the Time ! Almost failed to mention that this is a "Hubbells 20 Gauge" daughter, 20G is one of the best producing Herd Sires in the Industry Today and there is a reason why - His Pedigree is Packed with some of the Greatest Producing Females Ever ! Awesome Heifer Right Here !
Helm Cattle Company
This girl was unintentionally mated to her Sire "Hubbells 20 Gauge" - For those that like very close line breeding here it is !
PH #:
Reg #1:
Sales Comments:
Thanks Marchant Farms for purchasing this heifer. - John and Debra
HELM Fancy 851
Measurement TypeMeasurementMeasurement DateMeasurement CommentsOfficial MeasurementOfficial Locations
Tip to Tip70.000001/01/2025  
Tip to Tip56.500009/16/2021  
Tip to Tip39.125006/12/2020  
Tip to Tip31.750003/03/2020